“I feel like a new person!”

Brooke Thomas Photo East Central HurleyRevised

Brooke Thomas was pained with headaches for years. Recently she came to East Central Physical Therapy where she worked with Encore Rehabilitation Physical Therapists. Her treatment plan included Dry Needling.

Brooke shares, “My results have been incredible. I suffered from constant headaches for five years. I have tried almost any remedy you could think of. When I started physical therapy, Dry Needling was suggested and I was immediately interested. After having it done, I was hooked. Nothing that I have tried has ever relieved my headache so quickly and kept it away for this long. I love it. I tell everyone about it! Thank you so much for all of your help! I feel like a new person!”

Thank you, Brooke, for sharing your story! We wish you the very best!

East Central Physical Therapy
7001 Highway 614
Hurley, Mississippi 39555

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To learn about Dry Needling: What is it and How does it work?- click here.




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