Meet Brianna Deal of Encore Rehabilitation-Eufaula

Brianna Deal, Front Desk Coordinator, for Encore Rehabilitation-Eufaula seated in a chair, smiling for photo

Encore Rehabilitation-Eufaula would like you to meet Brianna Deal, Front Desk Coordinator for the Eufaula clinic.  Brianna enjoys the family-like atmosphere of Encore and patients enjoy Brianna’s smile and friendliness. She is always willing to answer questions and help patients in any way she can.

Outside of work, Brianna loves being a mom and cheering on her University of Georgia Bulldogs.

A native of Eufaula, Brianna is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Communications with a minor in Media Journalism from the University of Phoenix.

Welcome, Brianna! We are glad you are part of the Encore Rehab Team!

Encore Rehabilitation-Eufaula
825 West Washington Street
Eufaula, Alabama 36027
Find Encore Rehabilitation-Eufaula on Facebook by clicking here