Jill Gurganus-Less pain and a better life

Patient Testimonial from Jill Gurganus of Encore Rehabilitation-Tillman's Corner, Theodore, Alabama

Jill Gurganus was suffering with pain every day related to trigeminal neuralgia and TMD/TMJ. At times her pain was debilitating, ranking 8-10 on a pain scale of 10. Previous attempts to combat the pain with medicine and other treatments were short-lived. But now things are different, thanks to physical therapy and dry needling at Encore Rehabilitation-Tillman’s Corner.

Jill happily relates her success, “When the spasms started to return, I started physical therapy and dry needling**. Within a few treatments my symptoms were significantly better! By the end of my treatments, my pain had gone from a debilitating 8-10 to zero!  I am now down to a very few episodes a day. I have also learned proper body mechanics and tools to strengthen the muscles. The staff at Encore is amazing and has truly been a lifesaver! The Encore staff have completely changed my life.” 

Thank you, Jill, for choosing the rehab team at Encore Rehabilitation-Tillman’s Corner as your rehab provider! We appreciate the opportunity to help you!

Encore Rehabilitation-Tillman’s Corner
5643 Sermon Road South
Theodore, Alabama 36582
Find Encore Rehabilitation-Tillman’s Corner on Facebook by clicking here

**For more information on Dry Needling, click here.
